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Brian Tracy

Brian has a B. Comm., and a M.A., and is the Chairman of Brian Tracy International, a human resource company based in San Diego, California, with affiliates throughout America and in 31 other countries worldwide.Prior to founding Brian Tracy International, Brian was the Chief Operating Officer of a development company with $265 million in assets and $75 million in annual sales.
He has had successful careers in sales and marketing, investments, real estate development and syndication, importation, distribution, and management consulting. He has conducted high-level consulting assignments with several billion-dollar-plus corporations in strategic planning and organizational development.
Brian has traveled and worked in over 80 countries on six continents, and, he speaks four languages. He is an avid reader in management, psychology, economics, metaphysics, and history, and he brings a unique perspective and style to his talks. He has the remarkable ability to capture and hold audience attention with a fast-moving combination of stories, examples, humor and concrete, practical ideas that get results-fast.He is the author/narrator of countless bestselling audiocassette programs, including: The Psychology of Achievement, Breaking the Success Barrier, The Psychology of Selling, Peak Performance Woman, Million Dollar Habits, The Science of Self-Confidence, Thinking Big, and How to Master Your Time. Brian is the author of Maximum Achievement and Advanced Selling Strategies, published by Simon & Schuster and The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success published by Berrett Koehler.Brian Tracy has produced more than 300 different audio and video learning programs covering the entire spectrum of human and corporate performance. These programs, researched and developed for more than 25 years, are some of the most effective learning tools in the world.Brian has authored and record following programs for Nightingale-Conant: The Ultimate Goals Program, The Psychology of Achievement, Personal Time Management, The Science of Self-Confidence, The Psychology of Success, The Psychology of Selling, Getting Rich in America, 24 Techniques to Close the Sale, The Ten Keys to Personal Power, How to Master Your Time. Action Strategies for Personal Achievement, Breaking the Success Barrier, Advanced Selling Techniques, Million Dollar Habits, and The Luck Factor.
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The Psychology of Selling
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
The Art of Closing SalesFor salespeople on commission, the financial sky’s the limit! All it takes to reach the stratosphere of sales success is desire, commitment, and specialized knowledge. You provide the first two — let Brian Tracy supply the rest. The “graduate level” sales training program, The Psychology of Selling reveals closing techniques that could triple your commission. Learn More
Accelerated Learning Techniques
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy and Colin Rose
The Express Track to Super IntelligenceScience has suggested that the human mind has an almost infinite potential for learning and processing information. The problem has always been how to access this incredible power. By harnessing the amazing mental powers within you, now you can accomplish any goal, overcome any obstacles and solve any problem. Learn More
The Ultimate Goals Program
1 Regular Price: $299.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
How to Get Everything You Want- Faster Than You Ever Thought PossibleYou can’t hit a target that you can’t see. The starting point of great success is when you sit down and decide exactly what you really want, in every area of your life. This program will show you how to do this, better and faster than you ever dreamed possible. Learn how to step on the accelerator of your own life. In this fast-moving, practical, and informative program, success guru Brian Tracy shares with you the results of 30 years of research and experience in setting and achieving goals. Learn More
How to Master Your Time
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
The more time you make for yourself, the more free time you’ll have. Unlike many programs on time management, this program has no charts, no forms, no daily schedules. Brian Tracy's His purpose in this program is to teach you the philosophy of time management, to help you internalize it, and to help you develop a belief system that will make your every moment more efficient. Learn MoreThe Luck Factor
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
How to Take the Chance Out of Becoming a SuccessTo some people, success is based on luck, a random whim of fate, a chance roll of the dice. But nothing could be further from the truth. Success, to a great extent, can be influenced by luck, but this is not to say that luck is an accident. Success and happiness are not accidents. By mastering the factors that influence luck, you can increase the probability that you will be in the right place at the right time to accomplish the things that are most important to you. You’ll be more successful than ever before — and people will call you lucky. Learn More
Action Strategies for Personal Achievement
1 Regular Price: $459.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
Achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of!Want to create a wealthy, financially free life for yourself and your family? Attain a fulfilling personal life and high career goals? If you answered yes, then this course is what you have waited for! Filled with actionable techniques you can implement immediately, this monumental work will show you how to be twice as successful as before, faster than you ever imagined. Learn More
The NEW Psychology of Achievement
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
Breakthrough Strategies for Success and Happiness in the 21st CenturyThe Psychology of Achievement Classic became one of the most popular programs on personal success and achievement in the history of the world. However times have changed dramatically. Now for the 21st century, a whole new series of powerful ideas for thought and action that you can use to accomplish more in the weeks and months and years ahead than you might have ever dreamt of in your whole life. Today, the critical thing is competition. You must develop the skills to outthink and outsmart your competition. You must possess all the skills to compete effectively and become one among the people who are really determined to enjoy all the good things in life and desire to grow and be the best there is. Learn More
Advanced Selling Techniques
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
Learn the critical issues involved in selling to professional buyers in large organizations. Understand how to make prospecting easier and more effective. Become the preferred vendor of your product or service. Designed for the experienced professional who wants to earn more money, Brian Tracy's Advanced Selling Techniques will refine your strategies for today's customers and markets. Learn MoreGetting Rich in America
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
Learn the strategies of America's wealthiest people! Brian Tracy has the ideas, methods and techniques that have brought success to thousands of achievers and money-rich people. And those same success systems will work for you! The only difference between them and the average wage earner is that they've been implementing the strategies that Brian discusses in Getting Rich In America. Each year 100,000 people become millionaires. Why not you? Learn MoreMillion Dollar Habits
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
Learn the habits of multimillionaires! Learn how to double and triple your income with the 12 Power Strategies contained in Brian Tracy’s Million Dollar Habits. This program is a new and powerful system that will reveal the secrets and techniques to double and triple your income and live the life you deserve. Learn MoreBreaking the Success Barrier
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
Using the Strategic Thinking Skills to Accelerate Your GoalsThe world is changing faster than ever before. And with change comes great opportunities for financial and personal advancement. Unfortunately, many people fear new ideas and trends, believing they will have to work harder and learn more to keep up with the times. This program teaches you how to identify your own special abilities, tap your invaluable mental resources, and free yourself from the imaginary chains of fear, doubt, and negativity. Once you break through the success barrier once and for all, you’ll wonder what was stopping you. Learn More
Master Strategies for Higher Achievement
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
Practical and Proven Tactics for Achieving Your Goals Faster Than Ever BeforeWe are entering the golden age of mankind. The evidence for his conclusions are all around us and are very exciting to the independent thinker. For example, there are more inventors, creative geniuses, engineers,entrepreneurs and companies producing more and different goods and services today than ever before existed. To prepare yourself you need to make the switch from corporate strategic planning to personal strategic planning. Learn More
The Psychology of Success
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
Ten Universal Principles for Personal EmpowermentTrue success requires an earnest commitment to becoming excellent at everything you do. Take a hard look at your work habits and change them for the better. Step by step, on how to climb to the top. How to realize your full potential and plot your course of high achievement. Boost your success ratio with the on-target idea put forth in this informative program. Learn More
Thinking Big
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
The Keys to Personal Power and Maximum PerformanceEvery successful person knows that the keys to achievement are conscious effort, careful planning, and good, old-fashioned hard work. But on the road of success, there is one habit that will accelerate you beyond all others. If you want to stay ahead of the pack, you’ve got to start thinking big.Practicing the ideas taught in program, you can and will become unstoppable. Learn More
The Psychology of Achievement Classic
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
Develop the Top Achiever’s MindsetWhat goes on inside the minds of the people you admire most—those who have reached breathtaking levels of achievement? Do they have special mental talents that average people could never hope to emulate? To be sure some do. Most, however, get by with ordinary talents. Most overachievers simply have a persistent ability to come out on top. You can start over and reach any goal you set for yourself. You can take control of your life. You can make things happen and reach the great aspirations you know you deserve. Learn More
The Miracle of Self-Discipline
1 Regular Price: $269.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
The “No-Excuses” Way to Getting Things DoneTo be successful today, you don’t need to have been born under a lucky star, with incredible wealth, with terrific con-tacts and connections, or even with special skills. But what you do need to succeed in any of your life goals is self-discipline. Unfortunately, many people give in to the two worst enemies of success: They take the path of least resistance, or they sim-ply want immediate gratification. Neither approach will work. They don’t consider the long-term consequences of the actions they take today. Learn More
The Science of Self-Confidence
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
Never Stall Out Again...Have the Confidence You Need When You Need It Most!All the people you know personally have some self-confidence. If they didn’t, you wouldn’t know them. They wouldn’t be braving the daily world. They’d be hermits,or shut-ins, afraid to do anything. Control your confidence level by controlling your thoughts ... stop self-defeating behaviors and begin self-confident ones ... see yourself as others see you and easily change their perceptions. Learn More
The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement
1 Regular Price: $299.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy Brings You a Lifetime of LearningIf you release a rock from your hand it will fall, if water gets cold enough it will freeze, or if paper gets hot enough it will burn. These are laws of nature. Knowing them you can explain and predict the workings of the physical world. And the better you understand these laws, the less mysterious the natural world becomes. If you learn to live in harmony with these laws, they will work in your favor. In fact, it is the winner’s guide for playing the game of life. Learn More
The Power of Clarity
1 Regular Price: $239.95
Special Price $39.95
by Brian Tracy
Find Your Focal Point, Maximize Your Income, and Minimize Your EffortDiscover the keys to doubling your income and doubling your time off. If you'd like more money and more time to enjoy it, this course will show you how to have both! It doesn’t matter where you’re coming from; all that matters is where you’re going. Never allow yourself to be slowed down or held back by events that have occurred in your past. Learn from them and let them go. Resolve to keep yourself focused on the future and where you are going. With this course there are no limits to what you can achieve in the months and years ahead. Get the Power of Focal Point In Your Life Today! Learn More
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