Discover the true secrets of health, peace, and happiness!
Many years ago, as a practicing surgeon, Dr. Bernie Siegel observed the power of the human mind to affect physical outcomes. His observations led him to explore new forms of cancer therapy that utilize a patient’s own innate healing potential. Today, he is world-renowned as a pioneer in the field of holistic medicine, and an inspiration to millions of people around the globe.
In Life, Hope and Healing, Bernie — as he prefers to be called — shares his “prescription” for creating a full, rich, joyful, and genuinely “healthy” life. You’ll discover how to:
- Find the right doctor and cultivate an effective doctor/patient relationship
- Experience calm and peace of mind even in challenging health circumstances
- Choose the best course of therapy for your physical AND emotional needs
- Focus your mind for healing
- Master the characteristics of survivors
- Take control over the process of dying
- Live every single day of your life to the fullest, starting now
Where the capabilities of modern medicine end, your journey to health, well-being, and a truly joyful and fulfilled experience of living can begin. Let Dr. Bernie Siegel open your eyes, mind, and heart to your own amazing ability to recover from illness, restore your spirit, and reclaim control over your life story.