The 5 Forces of Wellness Digital Download

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The 5 Forces of Wellness Digital Download

Author: Dr. Mark Hyman

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15 Audio Sessions (7 hours and 41 minutes)
Plus PDF Workbook and Small Changes, BIG REWARDS e-Book

The Ultraprevention System for Living an Active, Age-Defying, Disease-Free Life
Most of us believe that aging is accompanied by a sharp decline in our physical and mental abilities. We think getting older means getting sick. You’ll soon discover, disease is not an inevitable part of aging. In fact, it is even possible to become biologically younger while you become chronologically older! The amazingly simple science of Ultraprevention helps you live an active and age-defying life by making small, healthy lifestyle changes that ward off sickness and disease. We all desire to die as old as possible while feeling as young as possible. We want to enjoy vibrant health all the days of our lives. When you apply these strategies, this desire moves beyond being something you merely wish for to being the story of your life!

CD Version Available


Create a Health Span That Matches Your Life Span!

Most of us believe that aging is accompanied by a sharp decline in our physical and mental abilities.

We think getting older means getting sick. But, as you'll soon discover, disease is not an inevitable part of aging. In fact, it is even possible to become biologically younger while you become chronologically older!

In this cutting-edge program, Dr. Mark Hyman, former medical director from the famed Canyon Ranch Health Resort, unveils a revolutionary science-based program for staying active and disease-free for life. The Five Forces of Wellness will work for absolutely everyone - old, young, healthy, sick, or anywhere in between.

This program presents the new science of staying healthy - otherwise known as ultraprevention. This powerful medicine of the future shatters the myths of today's "fix-the-broken-parts" medicine. Instead of masking symptoms, it's a proven plan for identifying and eliminating the forces that cause more than 90 percent of today's most common and devastating diseases. It's a patient-centered plan that shows you how to create a lifetime of good health.

In The Five Forces of Wellness: The Ultraprevention System for Living an Active, Age-Defying, Disease-Free Life, you'll learn what's best for your body. Among other things, you'll determine:

  • How to prevent disease from ravaging your body, using the medically proven "remove, repair, and recharge" system.

  • Which foods make you thrive and which make you sick.

  • How you can decrease the activity of the genes that will create illness and increase the activity of the genes that will create wellness.

  • Why you should NEVER go on a diet and how to lose weight without going on a diet.

  • What kinds of vitamins you need and how much.

  • Whether your body does better with vigorous exercise or more gentle exercise.

  • How to identify and rid yourself of toxins that make you sick.

We all want to die as old as possible while feeling as young as possible. We want to enjoy vibrant health all the days of our life. When you apply the strategies you'll learn in The Five Forces of Wellness, this desire moves beyond being something you merely wish for to the story of your life!

Mark Hyman, M.D., is the former co-medical director at Canyon Ranch Lenox, an internationally acclaimed health resort, where he combined the best of conventional and alternative medicine with a blend of science, intuition, integrity, and compassion. He is the co-author of the recent New York Times bestselling book Ultraprevention: The 6-Week Plan That Will Make You Healthy for Life, and winner of the Books for Better Life Award. Dr.Hyman is also the author and creator of The Detox Box: A Program for Greater Health and Vitality. He is editor in chief of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, the most prestigious journal in the field of integrative medicine.

Dr. Hyman has appeared on The Today Show, CBS's The Early Show, The View with Barbara Walters, and CNN. He was recently featured on the PBS television special Get a Life. He has been heard on NPR and many other radio programs, and is quoted regularly in popular magazines, including Natural Health, Health, Self, Town & Country, Elle, Fitness, Glamour, Shape, and Family Circle.

Additional Information

NC Product ID 24030DP
UPC non-inv-24030dp
Contents 15 Audio Sessions (7 hours and 41 minutes)
Plus PDF Workbook and Small Changes, BIG REWARDS e-Book
Format Digital Download
Digital Format Info Audio Files are in MP3 Format
Video Files (if available) are in MP4 Format
Workbooks and other printed materials are in PDF Format
