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The Power of Personal Influence By Earl Nightingale

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Lead the Field by Earl Nightingale

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The Essence of Success by Earl Nightingale

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The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

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Inspired by Lead the Field In many of my writings and recordings, I have quoted William George Jordan, the editor of the Ladies’ Home Journal, The Saturday Evening Post, and other magazines back in the early 1900s. Here’s something that he wrote on the power of personal influence I’d like to share with you. This clearly demonstrates the power we have in our own lives to affect and influence others. “The only responsibility that a man cannot evade in this life is the one he thinks of least, his personal influence. Man’s conscious influence when he’s on dress parade, when he’s posing to impress those around him, is woefully small, but his unconscious influence, the silent, subtle radiation of his personality, the effect of his words and acts, the trifles he never considers, is tremendous. Every moment of life he’s changing to a degree the life of the whole world.

How are you perceived by your colleagues, friends, and family?

Become a master of presence and influence, and lead your field!

“Every man has an atmosphere which is affecting every other. So silent and unconsciously is this influence working that man may even forget that it exists. All the forces of nature, heat, light, electricity, and gravitation are silent and invisible. We never see them; we only know that they exist by seeing the effects they produce. “In all nature, the wonders of the scene are dwarfed into insignificance when compared with the majesty and glory of the unseen. In a thousand ways, nature constantly seeks to lead man to a keener and deeper realization of the power and the wonder of the invisible. And into the hands of every individual is given a marvelous power for good or for evil, the silent, unconscious, unseen influence of his life. This is simply the constant radiation of what a man really is, not what he pretends to be. “Every man by his mere living is radiating sympathy or sorrow or morbidness or cynicism or happiness or hope or any of a hundred other qualities. Life is a state of constant radiation and absorption. To exist is to radiate. To exist is to be the recipient of radiations. There are women and men whose presence seems to radiate sunshine, cheer, and optimism. With them you feel calmed and rested and restored when you have stronger faith in humanity. “There are others who focus in an instant, all your latent distressed morbidness and rebellion against life. There are men who float down the stream of life like icebergs, cold, reserved, unapproachable, and self-contained. In their presence you involuntarily draw your wraps closer around you and, as you wonder who left the door open. But there are other natures, warm, helpful, genial, who are like the Gulf Stream, following their own course. Flowing undaunted and undismayed in the ocean of colder waters. Their presence brings warmth and life and the glow of sunshine, the joyous, stimulating breath of spring. “There are men who are like malaria swamps, poisonous, depressing, and weakening by their very presence. They make heavy and oppressive and gloomy the atmosphere of their own homes. The sound of the children’s play is still; the ripples of laughter are frozen by their presence. There are other men who seem like the ocean, constantly embracing, stimulating, giving new drafts of tonic life and strength by their very presence.” This was written many decades ago, but as true today as it was then. So how are you radiating? Life is a constant state of radiation and absorption. To exist is to radiate. To exist is to be the recipient of radiations. Into the hands of each of us is given this marvelous power for good or evil. Where do you stand?

Radiate confidence, enthusiasm, and success every minute of your day.

Try Earl Nightingale's landmark "Gold Record" Lead the Field program for just $1.00!

How to Sell Your Ideas When you radiate, it’s much easier to come across as one who is charismatic, exudes confidence, and is able to project an air of one who grasps knowledge. You get your ideas across. Elmer Wheeler, the famous “sell the sizzle not the steak” man, has great advice about how to sell your ideas. Have you ever approached your boss with a red-hot idea for increasing efficiency only to have him become resentful instead of enthusiastic? Have you ever offered your wife or husband or the neighbor so-called “good advice”? If you have, you know what I mean when I say that people resent having other people’s ideas forced on them. When someone approaches us with a new idea, our instinctive reaction is to put up a defense against it. We feel that we must protect our individuality, and most of us are egotistical enough to think that our ideas are better than anyone else’s. But there are three tested rules for putting your ideas across to other people so as to arouse their enthusiasm. And here are the three rules: Rule one, use a fly rod, not a feeding tube. Others won’t accept your idea until they can accept it as their idea. When you want to sell someone an idea, take a lesson from the fisherman who casts his fly temptingly near the trout. He can never ram the hook in the trout’s mouth, but he can entice the trout to come to the hook. Don’t appear too anxious to have your ideas accepted; just bring them out where they can be seen. You might say, “Have you considered this?,” instead of, “This is the way.” “You think this idea would work?” is better than “Here’s what we should do.” Let the other fellow sell himself on your idea; then he’ll stay sold. Rule number two, let the other fellow argue your case for you. Now he instinctively feels called upon to raise some objection to save face. Give him a chance to disagree with you by presenting your own objections. “Now the way to convince another,” said wise old Ben Franklin, “is to state your case moderately and accurately. Then say that of course you may be mistaken about it, which causes your listener to receive what you have to say and, like as not, turn about and convince you of it, since you were in doubt. But if you go at him in a tone of positiveness and arrogance, you only make an opponent of him.” Abraham Lincoln used the same technique in selling his ideas to a jury. He argued both sides of the case. But there was always the subtle suggestion that his side was the logical one. Said an opposing lawyer of him, “He made a better statement of my case to the jury than I could have made myself.” Rule number three, ask; don’t tell. Patrick Henry, another famous idea salesmen, knew how to do this.  In his famous liberty or death speech he asked, “Our brethren are already in the field. Why stand we here idle? Shall we lie supinely on our backs? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?” Now if you try saying the same thing in positive statements, all you get is antagonism. Three rules for selling your ideas. One, use a fly rod, not a feeding tube. Two, let the other fellow argue your case for you by not being too sure. And three, ask; don’t tell. It’s good advice. Let’s never lose our zest for living, our excitement and enthusiasm, our curiosity and our desire to know.

Start selling your ideas, and opportunities will find you.

Try Earl Nightingale's landmark "Gold Record" Lead the Field program for just $1.00!

For JUST $1.00, you can try Lead the Field by Earl Nightingale, including 6 CDs and Writable PDF Transcript — RISK-FREE for 30 days!

You are either a) attracting wealth, or b) attracting poverty. There IS no option C. Take a FAST and FRREE test and find out!

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