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Forget About New Year's Resolutions — What's Your Mission?
By Success Skills Coach Jim Rohrbach

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The Ultimate
Goals Program

by Brian Tracy

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The Power to Shape Your Destiny

by Anthony Robbins

The Power to Shape Your Destiny

The Power To Shape Your Destiny will become your close companion as you use it to realize what you really want from your life.

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© 2010 Nightingale-Conant Corporation

"Where there is no vision, the people perish."
Proverbs 29:18

Happy New Year to you! A new year, a new beginning. If you're like most people, you've probably flirted Build your free mission statement. Start building your path to success. around with New Year's resolutions: You've said, "THIS is the year I'm gonna lose weight and get in shape. Starting January 1st, no more snacking. I'm joining the health club and I'm gonna work out daily. I may even do my first marathon." What happens? By February 1st (the latest ...) you're back on the junk food regimen, you've been to the club a total of five times (you're "just too busy to get there"), and you've filed that marathon application in the trash. And you've concluded, "Resolutions don't work for me." (You've got a lot of company on that one ...)

Maybe you need a better approach. Instead of making a mental resolution, create a Mission Statement. The difference?

A Mission Statement is:

  • a handwritten or typed-out paragraph

  • posted someplace you can see it regularly

  • committed to memory

  • has specific, measurable outcomes

  • has a deadline — in this case, December 31st

Here's a process you can use right now to create a Mission Statement for personal success in your career or business, go to our FREE Online Mission Builder.

I hope you give this deceptively simple exercise a try, and I encourage you to follow the guidelines above of posting it where you can review it, committing it to memory and reciting it daily. Then you won't need to make any more fruitless resolutions.

Success Skills Coach Jim Rohrbach, "The Personal Fitness Trainer for Your Business," coaches business owners, entrepreneurs and sales professionals on growing their clientele. He has helped hundreds of individuals to achieve their goals since he developed his first coaching program in 1982. You can visit Jim on the web at

Jim Rohrbach, Success Skills Coach
The Personal Fitness Trainer for Your Business
Web site:

FREE Online Mission Builder

A message that will touch your heart!

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"The journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step.

Build your Mission Statement for FREE!
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